In this video, we talk about internet performance. I’ve covered this in the past but let’s cover it some more because if your business internet service isn’t working or it’s severely struggling then your business is severely struggling. So let’s take a look at some tried and true solutions that we provide our clients every day that make their lives better make them more productive and actually saves them money.
Today’s business is crippled when the internet is down or slow and of course, no one wants to pay a penny more than they have to for Internet service. We’ve used fiber in different applications for a long time because it’s very reliable and it’s smooth but it is a higher cost and there’s limited bandwidth and scalability.
Broadband is cheaper and it works on most days. However, repairs can be very slow and broadband can struggle from time to time in terms of performance.
Now 4G and 5G Services have been coming along and are being utilized much more often. However, as a sole internet source, 4G and 5G are still not the solution that businesses need as a primary solution.
We understand these limitations because we see and support these products on a daily basis so here’s the question: how can your business make the most of the limited internet service market today? Simple – let’s combine resources! There are more and better ways to combine your internet services into a cohesive and reliable foundation.
We’re still using SDWAN today. There are several benefits to this type of Service. Chief among these is consistent performance if for example your primary Internet is slow or it’s down then the secondary ISP or Internet service provider is there to fill in the gaps. In this example we see the performance of both circuits fortunately both circuits are up and running we only have two we could have four if we wanted to but again in this example we can look at things like bandwidth utilization average latency our average packet loss those are important factors because those are the critical elements that provide stable strong performance versus bad performance.
Remember overall speed is not the primary factor or driver in internet performance – it’s latency and packet loss and with reporting like this you can look at those critical factors in real time.
Another benefit to this solution easier troubleshooting we can get reporting data that tells us how often a circuit is dropping how often it’s slowing down we can look at a number of conditions in minutes in hours weeks months in this example our graphic lists every Interruption no matter how quick or how long it was so we have a complete history. This kind of data is critical in helping convince carriers to respond and address chronic service interruptions.
The service information that we have is the proof. Now you’ve got a report that you can send to your IT support people and to the service provider. The reporting benefit to this type of service is being able to learn and understand how your internet services are being. Then you know how your hard-earned dollars are being wasted. Now you can see how much and which applications utilize your company’s bandwidth on a daily weekly or monthly basis and make adjustments that improve performance. Â
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