Imagine trying to sort through thousands of pages of cell phone billing records to find errors and save money. You don’t think about this on a regular basis?
Well, chances are someone in accounting or your IT department has tried to do so. Sure, your corporate mobile account provides an online billing account. That’s fine but just try logging in sometime and try to find worthwhile data. Like your accounting manager, you will quickly realize the carrier’s online portal isn’t worth much more than the old paper bill. Cellular providers understand the limits of their products. It’s just not in their best interests to make account management easy.
Alternatively, at RAM, we can help you overcome these billing hurdles. We can bring you industry-leading Wireless Expense Management software. What’s special about this software? It’s designed with all the data points you need to uncover all the unused devices and unnecessary charges. Additionally, this software helps us make quick corrections and adjustments in your favor.
The particular software we use analyzes critical items like: active users, inactive users and suspended accounts. In the example shown here, the software is tracking active users. This is a critical data point. On a larger corporate account it’s not unusual to have unused devices. For example, when staff leaves, the phone (or tablet) they leave behind may not get assigned or cancelled. Yet, it continues to be charged on the invoice. $35.00-$50.00 per device can add up quickly. In this example, the client had 186 unused devices. At $40.00/device the client was paying $7,440.00/month for unused devices.
Wasteful? Yes. Avoidable? Certainly! With the right analytical tools such unnecessary spending can be avoided and money can be put to better use. This is just one way we can help businesses easily lower their costs using WEM data points.
Are your clients spending $5k or more per month in cellular services? Contact RAM today.
We can help you save your clients money and account management resources.