E911 Testing
Can each one of your park facilities reach 911 services on the first call?
Just as important, can the e911 dispatcher identify the correct address and phone number for each location? Don’t assume this is a foregone conclusion. In many cases, if you enlist a new phone company, they will place the burden of e911 compliance on your organization. It’s not that the phone company doesn’t have the tools, they just don’t like assuming any liability for making e911 work properly. Here’s how you put the phone company to work for you.
The Steps:
- Complete an E911 information form.
- Every phone company has an internal e911 document available.
- Be sure to ask your phone company for this document. The document will give you an opportunity to fill out all the phone number and address information for all your locations.
- All you need to provide is the main phone number and address for each site.
- Once you have submitted the forms be sure your phone company provides you with an order number and a timeline for completion. Be prepared to follow up!
Even though it will cost you some money, ask your phone equipment vendor to help test your e911 at each location. Your phone vendor is an excellent resource for trouble shooting. In the event testing doesn’t go as planned, the phone vendor will be able to work with the phone company to resolve the issue.
Don’t be alarmed if a few of your locations don’t test successfully. The phone company has to make sure the databases between itself and the e911 centers are updated properly. This process takes time and due diligence between both parties.
These testing procedures do take some time and cooperation from all parties. However, getting the information tested correctly will protect both your staff and residents while helping e911 respond quickly and accurately to emergencies.