Depending on the type of business you are running, you’ll need to consider your broadband options and the amount of available bandwidth for your telecom network. There are several options, but one might make more sense for your business based on your existing telecommunications network infrastructure and data needs.The purpose of understanding how different bandwidth solutions work is so you can understand the pros and cons of each technology. When you understand the differences you can make an educated decision regarding the best solution for your telecom network. Take a few moments and check out our broadband comparison that includes the most popular options available in the United States today.
DSL stands for “Digital Subscriber Line,” and transmits information using a local telephone network. If you run a small business with 3-5 employees and your primary functions include email and web surfing, then a DSL network may be a good solution for your telecommunication needs. DSL is typically used to deliver broadband where fiber optic cables cannot be installed, so if your options are between fiber or DSL, fiber may be the better choice.
If you need faster internet service for handling graphics or data files of several megabytes, then you might want to step up to a service like cable internet – especially if you want to keep it more affordable. Cable internet is the most commonly used internet service among residential customers, and like DSL and fiber services, this provides network edge connectivity from a telecom service provider to the end user. Unlike DSL, which uses a telephone network, cable internet transmits via the cable television lines.
If you need a bit more power, consider investing in T1 lines for your business telecom network. A business-class T1 service is more reliable and comes with a written performance agreement or Service Level Agreement. SLA’s provide performance guarantees and written standards for repair response in the event of an outage. Cable and DSL services do not provide an SLA. This assurance from your telecom provider can save you a lot of headaches.
Fiber service is an excellent option for businesses looking for reliability, high speeds and long-term scalability. Because of its physical nature, fiber can carry 100 times more bandwidth than T1. Most carriers provide packages from 10 Mb up to 200 Mb in varying price points. However, be aware that fiber can be very costly to install. It’s not unusual for a new installation to take up to 6 months to complete. So, if you’re interested in fiber, be sure to check with your local provider and determine where service is available in your area. You can save considerable money in office buildings where fiber has already been installed and made available to multiple tenants, but implementing it from scratch may not be in your budget.
Fixed Wireless
Business-class wireless service is also a viable option for telecom business solutions. A fixed wireless telecom network has many advantages, not the least of which include quick installation (5-7 business days) and true diversity. Fixed wireless service does not depend on any physical wires in the ground, making it better prepared when other structures fail. Be sure to look for a service provider who offers an SLA so you receive the service response and performance guarantee your business needs.If you would like more information on our broadband comparison, feel free to contact RAM today! 847-358-0917 and online at