What’s Unified Communications? How can UC help my business?

If you read business journals or receive business news alerts online you have probably come across the term, Unified Communications. What does it mean? Is it a passing fad? Can UC really help your business?

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Defining Unified Communications

For discussion purposes let’s shorten Unified Communications to UC. Now, what is UC? Let’s approach it this way: look around at all the devices you have at your disposal. These may include a smart phone, a tablet device, desk phone, skype account (for video), email, Instant Messaging on both your desktop and mobile devices.

Don’t forget your fax machine and e-fax accounts! There’s no doubt, you have a lot of hardware at your finger tips. Each one has over-lapping capabilities with the other one. And, we’re only talking about what you may use. Take a look at your staff. Some of them may only have a simple cell phone and desk phone but others may be carrying quite a few devices.

The concept behind UC is twofold: consolidate devices and, in doing so, try to streamline communication with your customers and vendors.

How practical is this? How can UC save your business money or even make you a few dollars in the process? We can’t answer every scenario in one article. So, we’re giving you a starting point for researching UC further at your own pace and discretion. Here are some scenarios to give you a better understanding.

Unifying Your Business Phone System

Many businesses have sales reps who need to travel. They need mobile tools to connect with the office, customers and prospects. However, with an updated UC solution, you can simplify communications with your sales staff, clients and customer

Many IP-based phone systems provide the ability for clients to call one phone number, reach a rep’s ‘desk’ and track down the rep in the office or on the road. There’s no need to hang up and call a separate cell phone number anymore. The phone system will transfer the customer call to the rep anywhere in the world without incurring toll charges. This saves clients time, simplifies communication and provides consistency. This solution also helps with company turnover.

If a rep leaves, customers continue calling the same corporate number and the caller is automatically redirected to another rep. It’s easy to do and saves you time and preserves business with your client.

Unifying the Office with Your Mobile Device

If you don’t use a smart phone or tablet today, go find someone in your office who does. There are thousands of free and very inexpensive business applications being downloaded and used on these devices everyday. You can send images of faxes, work documents and even meeting presentations between desktops and mobile staff easily and efficiently. This doesn’t require extra equipment or special training. You just need to be aware of the tools available for you and your staff.

The future of UC and Your Traditional Office Equipment

Many traditional systems, office phones, copiers, faxes and even traditional computers are subject to change this decade. UM technology, the web and other factors are contributing to foundational changes in the way we do business.

Internet Protocol or IP, is becoming the dominant platform for data transmission. Many hardware-based tools will be replaced by software applications that can run on mobile devices. Those devices are connecting to local, national and international networks via IP technologies. Voice, video and business applications can all run efficiently on a single device and service.

Next Steps?

As always, RAM is happy to be a resource for you. We can introduce you to trusted vendors and partners and plan a practical, nononsense approach that helps your business utilize and benefit from Unified Communications today.

As always, please contact RAM if you have any questions or if you
need further assistance.
RAM Communications Inc.

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