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Today there are so many phone choices for businesses. You can acquire new systems in so many ways and in so many service models . . .
1. Phones connected on the Internet
2. Phones connect to a box in your office
3. Phone Systems as a Service
4. Outright Purchase
5. Fair Market Value Leases
As you can see, from both a purchasing and a technology standpoint, there are lots of choices to be made and it can be confusing. That’s why Ram Communications is here to help. There are many important financial considerations. However, don’t forget one of the most important questions to ask yourself during the purchasing process. Will that new phone actually do what you and your staff want it to do?
When looking for a new phone system, many purchasers don’t focus enough attention on the actual phone itself. Make sure the phone fits your needs. Your decision may be a good one financially but how well will the phones work for your staff? When you start researching begin the research with your staff. Find out what they like and dislike about the current phone.
What would they like to have on their new phone?
Do most of your folks prefer to have lots of buttons with preset functions?
Or, are they the type of crowd who like newer technology and want a large dynamic screen with lots of user menus?
Can your new solution provide a combination of ‘old school’ and ‘new school’ phones to help meet the needs of different users?
Next, surf on the Internet for pictures of possible choices. Will a particular phone meet all the requirements of your staff? Are there more than one possible brand worth your consideration. If so, ask 2 to 3 vendors to bring their phones to your office for a demonstration. Most vendors love to show off their product. Go ahead and put their product to the test.
Remember, there all kinds of ways to get your phones as economically as possible.
Do your research and try the phone before you buy it. You’ll be glad you did!
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Telecom Services by Ram Communications:
- Telecom Expense Management Services
- Wireless Expense Management Services
- Business Phone Services in Chicago
- Business VoIP Phone Services
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